We're an eco-friendly maid service with a team of experienced and enthusiastic maids who thrive on transforming messy houses into clean, fresh homes.

Blog by Kendra Crockett

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How to clean artificial plants

We've all know how bad a dust covered artificial plant can look and if you own an artificial plant you've probably gotten frustrated trying to clean it. Some people will try to clean an artificial plant with a cloth or vacuum but I have an easy and fast way to make your plant look like new again!

Put a small wet towel in your tub and place your artificial plant on the towel (your plant pot might scratch your tub if you don't lay a towel down). Now turn on your shower and soak your plant with water. All the dust will wash away! This works even better if you have a hose with a shower head so you can spray your plant from different angles.

After you shower your plant tip it upside down to help drain off excess water. Let it air dry and it will look like new again.