We're an eco-friendly maid service with a team of experienced and enthusiastic maids who thrive on transforming messy houses into clean, fresh homes.

Blog by Kendra Crockett

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Keep you bathroom mirrors fog free

Remeber those suction cup shower mirrors from the 90s? Men loved being able to shave in the shower with their little mirror suctioned to the wall. They did come with one problem though; they would fog up all the time! 

Some bathrooms get foggy even with the bathroom fan on but there's a way to keep your mirror fog free even with hot steamy showers.

Go to London Drugs, Save On Foods or Home Hardware and purchase a tub of Pink Solution. Scoop a tablespoon of the gel out of the tub with your fingers and rub it all over your bathroom mirror just like your greasing a cookie sheet. Then squeegee off the excess gel and buff it up with a microfiber cloth (or paper towel). Your mirror now has a clear anti-fog coat on it and won't fog up!

Pink Solution has dozens of handy uses and Maids Gone Green uses it at every cleaning job to clean customer homes. It's 100% biodegradable and non toxic.